Anyway, with 90 minutes to kill waiting for yeast to do its thing, I had my chance (and a willing partner to share a pasta meal, since it's the weekend and my daughter was home for lunch).
You can see the inspiration recipe in all its technicolor glory HERE, but I, of course had to make some changes. I rarely make a recipe as is... it's some personal problem of mine, I am sure.
I halved the recipe, and decided to add more veggies.

Here's what I used: a couple of eggs, a zucchini, some onion and garlic, diced pancetta, chicken stock, parmesan, peas, and pasta. My recipe really only vaires from the original in using the pancetta (and some olive oil instead of the bacon fat), and I sauteed zucchini slices with the onions.

My daugher abhors peas, so I held off adding them until the very last moment, after serving her portion.

But, jokes on her! She loved it so much that she ended up helping herself to a second serving... with peas.

She asked me to make it 'a bunch more times, please,' so I call that a kid seal of approval. It got my thumbs up, too. And, it really is a simple meal. I'd always been apprehensive of Carbonara, what with the raw eggs, but really, it was amazingly easy. Much thanks to the original recipe with its wonderful photos that ennerved me to try this.
Thank you very much! And yes, it was yummmm. Of course anything that originates from Pioneer Woman is to die for. I did skip a lot of the fat, but I am sure there was plenty of fat, haha.
Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that you can see how my child decorated the edge of her bowl with zucchini... she is not a fan of that, either. But I made her eat 3 slices. ;)
I also throw in parmesan cheese, which makes it really good. The key to using the egg is that you have to pour it in while the pasta is piping hot, so as to cook the eggs. :)
Whoops! I saw you had it in there. Oh well. I might actually make this tonight. :)
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